Wednesday, May 6, 2020

NIST Definition of Cloud Computing System †

Question: Discuss about the NIST Definition of Cloud Computing System. Answer: Introduction Human resource management is a relatively new approach that has gained a lot of importance in the business world since the past few decades. Human resource management is an approach that aims at optimising the performance of the workforce in business organisations by helping the employers in establishing better work relations with the employees and by improving the work conditions for them (Hendry, 2012). There are a number of core functions, such as performance management, training and development, career development, etc. and non-core functions, such as job analysis, attracting and retaining employees, etc. that help business organisations in achieving better organisational results (Armstrong Taylor, 2014). The Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Health Authority, also known as YHRA, has undertaken an audit of its existing human resource management practices. Through the audit, the management of the company has identified a number of key areas where there is a scope for improvement. In order to bring improvements in their human resource management practices, attract a greater government financing and also develop a more consumer focused approach, the company wants to employee specialist nurses and doctors and a performance evaluation system, which will help the company in ensuring that the employees are collectively contributing towards the achievement of the companys new strategic goals. In the last six months, an article was published by the British Medical Journal, You cant be a person and a doctor: the work life balance of doctors in training. The article heavily criticised the work life balance of all those junior doctors who have been working in Yorkshire and Humberside. The CEO of YHRA has been alerted because of the article and is concerned with his companys reputation. As a result, he has also suggested to implement strategies that would help the junior doctors in exercising a better balance between their personal lives and work lives. Therefore, this r eport has been prepared to suggest strategies and methods that can be used by the health authority in achieving its strategic goals and becoming more competitive in the industry. Human resource models for the healthcare authority The concept of human resource management has greatly evolved over the past few decades. It was started as a subject but has now reached a level where business organisations consider human resource management as a strategic business partner. Till date, a number of human resource management models have been prepared and all of them have almost the same purpose to solve. The models used in human resource management provide a framework to business organisations to build up their human resource managerial strategies and design all the human resource management practices involved in the business. There are a number of human resource management models, such as the Fombrun model, The Harvard Model, the Warwick model, etc. that can be used by YHRA to meet its strategic goals but The Guest Model is one model that will satisfy all the needs of the healthcare unit (Managementstudyhq, n.d.). The Guest Model of human resource management was developed by David Guest in 1997 and is said to be a superior model than all the other models in the field. The crux of the model is that all human resource managers have certain strategies to begin with, which will demand specific practices and when these practices are executed, they will result in outcomes, which include behavioural, performance and financial rewards. The model prepared by David Guest is divided into a logical sequence of six components i.e. Human resource strategy, human resource practice, human resource outcomes, behavioural outcomes, performance results and financial consequences (Briefingwire, 2013). In the case of YHRA, the senior level management wants to uplift the condition of its human resources and optimise their performance level in order to establish a better image in the market as a brand and also to attract a higher government investment. To achieve its strategic goals, the management will have to redesign a number of its human resource management practices by aligning them with their human resource strategic goals. The management also wants to introduce a system of performance management in the workplace so that the workplace environment can be more performance oriented. Even more, the management wants to recruit new doctors and nurses and wants to offer a better work life balance to their existing staff. All these strategic goals can only be achieved by following an effective human resource model that would provide a framework to the company to design new human resource strategies, implement human resource practices, identify human resource outcomes of the new practic es, measure the behavioural changes demonstrated by the workforce, evaluate the change in performance and keep a check on the financial consequences. In such a scenario, the model prepared by David Guest looks like it was tailored to meet the needs of YHRA and help the healthcare organisation in achieving its strategic goals and also to help the company in aligning its human resource management practices with its long term objectives (Price). Recruitment and talent management strategies Recruitment is a process where business organizations identify vacancies in their workplaces that they are likely going to encounter in the near future and inviting applications for the fulfilment of the vacancies (McGraw, 2013). On the other hand, talent management is an approach where business organisations implement a number of strategies to attract, recruit, engage, motivate and retain a talented pool of employees (Arissa, Cascio, Paauwe, 2014). One of the new strategic goals of YHRA is to attract a greater financial investment from the local government and to achieve it, the company is planning to recruit specialist nurses and doctors. In the healthcare industry, recruitment and selection of employees is one of the biggest challenges that the employers face. Due to an alarming increase in the global population and because of the decline in availability of healthcare professionals, the recruitment and selection process is becoming very difficult and challenging for the employers(Matike Martorell, 2005). There is a huge race for recruiting the fresh graduates in the healthcare industry and most of them are willing to work for established brands, which makes it difficult to find the right talent at the right time. Thus, YHRA needs to carefully and urgently design certain strategies that will help it in recruiting a large pool of specialist doctors and nurses. Some strategies that can help YHRA in strengthening its recruitment process are discussed below: First of all, YHRA needs to establish itself as a major healthcare organisation in the market. It needs to promote itself as an employer of choice in the market by making its work conditions favourable for the employees. To attract a larger pool of talented and specialist doctors and nurses, YHRA can design compensation and benefit plans that are above the market average and are highly competitive (Flanagan, 2016). Offering better workplace conditions and compensation and benefit plans will provide an upper hand to the health care organisation in the recruitment process and a larger pool of talented candidates will be willing to work for the company. Secondly, to gain a competitive edge in the recruitment and selection process, it is important for YHRA to collaborate with some of the top medical colleges located in its vicinity. Getting into collaboration with such medical institutes, the company will be able to conduct recruitment and selection events even before the students complete their graduation or post-graduation (Hirsch, 2013). The students will obviously get job opportunity while YHRA will be able to make a selection choice from a large pool of talented graduates. Thirdly, a major problem that is surrounding the health care industry at present is the high number of baby boomers that are retiring in thousands of number every day. This leaves the healthcare industry in a deficit as the experienced doctors and nurses are retiring and are creating an alarming need for new talent in the industry. To cope up with high turnover rates in the industry, YHRA can start to practice a balance between the number of baby boomers and fresh talent in its healthcare units. It should recruit a good number of fresh graduates, who are specialists in different medical fields, so that the it does not have to encounter a sudden rise in its human resource demand because of baby boomers retiring in large numbers. Fourthly, offering work life balance opportunities to the employees can prove to be one of the best ways in attracting, motivating as well as in retaining a large pool of specialist doctors and nurses. Healthcare industry is one industry where the employees are not able to maintain a balance between their work lives and personal lives. Because of an alarming increase in the health related problems and diseases, healthcare institutes and hospitals are flooded with patients at all time of the day and night, which keeps the employees really busy (Cocca, 2015). As a result, a healthcare organisation that values the work life balance of its employees can establish a great reputation in the market, which can help in attracting a greater pool of talented employees and retaining those who have already been working with the organisation. Lastly, the management at YHRA needs to ensure that it undertakes human resource planning as a continuous process. Human resource planning is a process that allows business organisations to forecast job vacancies that they likely going to encounter in the near future and identifying ways to fulfil theses vacancies (Undercoverrecruiter, 2017). Human resource planning will help YHRA in strengthening its recruitment and selection process as it will provide a better overview of the overall human resource requirement of the health care centre in the coming future. The global healthcare industry is changing at a rapid pace. Most of the healthcare organisations are striving to increase their reach in the market and to get their hands on fresh graduates who can join their institutes and help them in offering better healthcare services to the clients. A lot of health care institutes are not implementing the right strategies that could help them in managing their talent and recruiting a talented pool of employees. The employers working in the health care institutes are relying more upon job portals to find talented candidates or are trying to recruit some expert doctors and nurses that have had some past experience in the field of their specialisation. Further, they are also focusing more upon compensation and benefits as a factor for keeping the employees motivated and engaged while they are more likely to ignore the importance that work life balance can have in keeping the employees engaged and motivated. Therefore, it is important for the human resource management of YHRA to carefully understand the issues that are related with recruitment and selection in the healthcare industry and look for effective strategies that would help them in managing their workforce in an effective way. Employee motivation, engagement and performance strategies Motivation is defined as the reason that forces or derives an induvial to act towards the achievement of his or her goals and needs. Employee motivation is an important concept that requires organisations to keep their employees motivated in order to achieve higher efficiency, performance level and productivity (Managementstudyguide, n.d.). Employee engagement is a concept in human resource management which requires business organisations to offer appropriate work conditions to the human resources so that they can give their best each day, feel motivated and are committed to the values and goals of the organisation on the whole (Engageforsuccess, 2016). Employee engagement has gained a lot of importance in the past few years as business organisations have identified the positive impact that an engaged workforce can have on the productivity of a company. The work conditions in a health care centre are not normal. Working in the health care industry requires the employees to be strong hearted and to be able to deal with all kind of emergencies that they encounter. The work conditions are so harsh that the employees can be called by the management at any point of time, if there is a case of emergency, even if it is a holiday. As the employees working in the healthcare industry are offering health care services that can make a huge difference in the life of an individual, it is important that they are engaged in their jobs and are motivated to work harder at all times but given the work conditions and the setup, it is difficult for the management of healthcare institutes to keep their employees motivated and engaged. Some strategies that can help YHRA in keeping the employees motivated and engaged are discussed below: First of all, to keep the employees motivated and engaged, one of the best strategies is to consistently recognize an employee that performs well in his or her job. The management can use different sources to thank the employees for their exceptional efforts, such as eCards, verbal recognition, e-mails and can even display their names on a blackboard (Irvin, 2015). Further, selecting employees of the day, week and of the month can also help the management in keeping the staff highly engaged and motivated to perform better in their job roles. Secondly, it is important for the managers of the healthcare institutes to continuously talk with their employees and inform them of the importance that they have in the organisation and how their performance can help people in surviving difficult situations. When employees perceive that their efforts add value to the organisation and its success, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their job roles (Precheck, 2015). Thus, it can be an efficient strategy for the managers to communicate with the employees and keep them informed about how their roles and efforts fit with the organisational goals and objectives. Thirdly, one of the most important that the managers can do to keep the employees motivated and engaged is to get out of their way and minimise the obstacles or barriers that they can face while carrying out their job duties and responsibilities. For example, in healthcare institutes, making changes or getting supplies requires a lot of paperwork. The management of healthcare institutes should look into such matters and eliminate all the unnecessary paperwork so that the employees do not feel harassed or overburdened with something that is not important. Fourthly, the management can schedule regular meetings where the entire staff is invited. In these meetings, the management can discuss important matters related to the work conditions in the institute. To make things even more efficient, the management can also conduct surveys and gather feedbacks from the employees about their grievances during these meetings (Schultz, 2017). Such actions will help the management in recognizing all those conditions that are unfavourable to the employees and are messing up their motivation or engagement levels. Lastly, to keep the employees motivated, engaged and to ensure high performance levels, it is important that the management is able to offer them a certain degree of freedom to maintain a healthy balance between their work lives and personal lives. Even though work life balance does not contribute much towards employee motivation, engagement and performance, but the absence of a healthy work life balance can demotivate the employees and disengage them from their jobs (Robinson, n.d.). Ultimately, they are more likely to show workplace absenteeism and a greater tendency to quit their organisations. Therefore, work life balance is also equally important in keeping the employees motivated and engaged. Work life balance policies for junior doctors Work life balance is defined as the balance between an employees personal life and his or her work life. The concept of work life balance has emerged in the past few decades as a result of a number of studies that brought the harmful effects of improper work life balance on the health of employees into limelight (Sandoiu, 2016). It has been found that employees are more likely to experience stress and health related problems if they are not able to take out time from work and devote their time to their families of personal lives. Further, employees that are not able to maintain a healthy work life balance have also been found to become addict to alcohol and other types of drugs (Andersen, 2015). YHRA has been losing its reputation in the market as an employer because of the article that presented a bad picture of the company in helping its employees to maintain a healthy work life balance. Further, the strategic goals and objectives of the company demand the company to recruit professional doctors and nurses so that the government can invest more into their institute but the present reputation of the company, as an employer, will prevent it from achieving its goals (Soper, 2016). Therefore, it is important for the company to implement strategies that will help it in improving the work life balance of its employees so that it can improve its reputation as an employer. Some strategies that the company can use to improve work life balance policies for junior doctors are discussed below: First of all, it is important to understand that the healthcare industry cannot practice a perfect work life balance because of human life at stake. Therefore, it is important for organisations like YHRA to take certain steps that can allow their employees to take some time off and relax while at work itself (Kennedy Pearce Consulting, n.d.). The management at YHRA can introduce some welfare activities, such as a gym, inside the institute itself, where the employees can spend their time while they are not occupied with work. Secondly, a major concern for the employees working in healthcare industry is their family and children in particular. Not being able to take out time for their children can demotivate and disengage the employees, who would then show less commitment towards the organisation and their jobs (Barton Team, 2016). In order to offer a better work life balance to the employees, YHRA can introduce an onsite childcare service where a pool of trusted staff can take care of the employees children while they are busy with their work. Further, the employees can also spend time with their children whenever they find time in between, which will be helpful for them and will keep them motivated. Thirdly, healthcare is an industry where the employees are subjected to a lot of pressure and just like any other human being, they can have bad days too. To help them in maintaining a peaceful balance between their work lives and personal lives, the management at YHRA can build a quiet space, which will not contain anything related to the job but will contain plants, flowers, seating, lighting, reading material, a canteen, etc. (Pingboard, n.d.).The employees working at YHRA can then visit this quiet space in their free time and can calm themselves down. Such a strategy will help the employees in easing up their minds and maintaining their calm during bad days. Managing relations with trade unions A trade union is an organisation that comprises of employee representatives. The basic idea behind the formation of trade unions is to ensure that the employers behave ethically towards the employees and do not implement strategies that are against the laws or not in the interest of the employees (Chand, n.d.). Trade unions are also important from an employees point of view because they offer an opportunity to the employees for expressing their views and interests. Trade unions also play an important role in the bargaining process when there are human resource management practices being designed by the employers. Maintaining good relations with trade unions is an important task for business organisations as they can have a lot of impact on the existing workforce and can also make it difficult for an organisation to recruit new workforce. For an institute like YHRA, the need to maintain proper relations with becomes even more when its reputation as an employer is dwindling in the market. YHRA also plans to recruit new talent for attracting a greater investment from the government, which also adds up to its need to establish good relations with trade unions. Some strategies that can help YHRA in establishing good relations with the trade unions are given below: First of all, the management at YHRA needs to give recognition to trade unions that are associated with its business model or the ones that have been joined by their workforce. The management should make it a point that it involves the trade unions associated with its industry while taking important decisions related to its human resources so that there is no resistance at later stages and a collective decision can be taken. Secondly, the management also needs to give its employees a fair chance to join any trade union that they want to and behave ethically towards them so that they are not offended by the actions of the employers or by any human resource management policy that they introduce. Having its own employees as members of the trade unions will help YHRA in establishing peaceful and effective relations with the trade unions. Lastly, the management at YHRA needs to understand that peaceful relations with trade unions can only be maintained when they are given an equal importance. The management needs to consider them as an important part of their business and whenever there is an issue that erupts between a trade union and the management, collective bargaining should be treated as a way out, rather than taking firm stands or resorting to strikes. Conclusion The Yorkshire and Humberside Regional Health Authority is facing a tough condition where it has to achieve its organisation strategies but its reputation as an employer in the market is at an all-time low. Also, the organisation is operating in the health care industry, where a competitive edge can only be achieved if an organisation has a talented pool of employees and effective human resource management strategies. Thus, the importance of managing the human resources properly increases even further. To become more efficient in managing the human resources, keeping the employees motivated and engaged, optimising the performance of the individuals, helping the employees in maintaining a healthy work life balance and to establish better relations with the trade unions, the management at YHRA can look into the above recommendations as they will greatly help the company in achieving its organisational goals and strategies. Bibliography Hendry, C. (2012). Human Resource Management . Routledge. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice . Kogan Page Publishers. Managementstudyhq. (n.d.). Human Resource Management Models. 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